pour les lathi et autre m40

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pour les lathi et autre m40 Empty pour les lathi et autre m40

Message  manucolt1873 Dim 04 Jan 2015, 15:04

pour les lathi et autre m40 Lahti-disassembled-300x300
The Lahti m/40 pistol is a cinch to strip but a bit of a hassle to fully disassemble.  Due to some rivets and roll pins we couldn’t quite go all the way with the one we had on loan but what we did get away with should be more than enough.

The Field Strip
pour les lathi et autre m40 Fsguide1-300x225Parts List

  1. Barrel
  2. Mantle
  3. Frame
  4. Bolt
  5. Locking Block
  6. Takedown Catch

pour les lathi et autre m40 Fds1-300x2251. Remove the magazine from the pistol and check that the chamber is empty.  Safety First!
pour les lathi et autre m40 Fs1-300x1992. Grip the Frame in one hand and push back on the Mantle and Barrel and hold.
3. Turn the Takedown Catch 90 degrees clockwise.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Fs2-300x1994. Ease the Mantle and Barrel off the front of the frame.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Fs3-300x1995. Remove the Bolt from the Mantle.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Fs4-300x1176. Lift the Locking Block from the Mantle.
Your Lahti m/40 is now field stripped.  Reassembly is just the reverse.  The Locking Block has a front and back, there should be an arrow stamped on the bottom to specify.  Point this at the front of the gun.
Complete Strip
CAUTION The Swedish Lahti is a fairly complicated pistol with some small parts.  Most of the assembly is held by pins and they may or may not be flared depending on who has used the gun before.  Moreover, some pieces are riveted or heavily flared in place and should not be removed unless necessary for replacement.  Our pistol was a donor from the good folks at East Coast Guns of Summerville, SC, so we skipped a few risky steps.  Our apologies for those pictures that will be missing.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Lahti-Parts-List3Parts List

  1. Front Sight
  2. Mantle
  3. Accelerator
  4. Accelerator Retainer Spring
  5. Accelerator Retainer
  6. Ejector
  7. Extractor
  8. Bolt
  9. Firing Pin
  10. Firing Pin Spring
  11. Firing Pin Cross-pin
  12. Recoil Spring
  13. Frame
  14. Trigger
  15. Trigger Bar Pin
  16. Trigger Bar
  17. Takedown Catch Spring
  18. Takedown Catch
  19. Trigger Pin
  20. Magazine Catch
  21. Magazine Catch Spring
  22. Hammer Spring and Plunger
  23. Hammer Pin
  24. Hammer
  25. Sear and Spring
  26. Sear Pin
  27. Grip
  28. Grip Screw
  29. Safety Lever
  30. Magazine Catch Pin
  31. Trigger Spring
  32. Locking Block

pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts1-300x1801. Pick up the Bolt.  Use a small screwdriver or punch to push the Extractor away from the Bolt‘s main body.  Then pull the Extractor out towards the front of the Bolt to remove.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts2-300x1802. Drift out the Firing Pin Cross-pin.
3. Tip out the Firing Pin and Firing Pin Spring. You may now set aside the Bolt and its components.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts4-300x1804. Accelerators have a slight variance by model.  In all cases there is a retaining pin under spring pressure.  Pickup the Mantle.  Depress the Accelerator Retainer and hold.
5. Remove the Accelerator by pulling it out and towards the back of the Mantle.  CAUTION The Accelerator Retainer is under pressure and may be lost.  Remove slowly and carefully to keep it under control.
6. Use a small punch or screwdriver to fish out the Accelerator Retainer Spring.
7.  The Ejector is very sensitive and should only be removed if necessary.  Look inside the Mantle and depress the rear tab of the Ejector.  Then push it forward until it clears its recess.  You may now remove it from the outside of the Mantle.  You may also set aside the Mantle and its components now.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts8-300x1808. Pickup the Frame and locate the Safety Lever at the rear.  Insert a punch or screwdriver with the closest possible diameter into the hole at the front of the Safety Lever.
9. Carefully pry the Safety Lever as you turn it rearward.  At the rear of its intended sweep there is a stud.  Lift it just over this stud.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts10-300x18010. Stop the Safety Lever at this rearward position and lift it out of the Frame
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts11-300x18011. Unscrew the Grip Screws and remove the Grips by lifting the bottom first.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts12-300x18012. Place a free finger on the Hammer and restrain it while pulling the Trigger.  Then ease the Hammer forward.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts13-300x18013. Drift out the Hammer Pin.  It may help to keep some pressure on the Hammer while doing so.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts14-300x18014. Use a tool to disengage the Hammer from the Hammer Spring.
15.  Now remove the Hammer.  Step 14 helped get around the permanently attached Recoil Spring easier.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts15-300x18016. Drift out the Sear Pin and remove the Sear and Spring.  You may need to pull the Trigger back to free it.
17. Remove the Hammer Spring and Plunger.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts17-300x18018. Locate the Trigger Spring and disengage it from the Trigger Bar.  It should stay attached to the Frame and should not be removed unless necessary.  If so, simply unwind it like a key ring.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts19-300x18019. Drift out the Takedown Catch.
20. You may remove the Takedown Catch Spring by placing a punch in the hole located at the front of the Frame and driving it rearward.
21.  The Trigger Bar Pin is usually riveted or heavily flared into place.  It is not recommended that you remove this component unless necessary.  If so, drift it out of place.  Then remove the Trigger Bar rearward and proceed to step 22.
22. This step is only necessary if you opted for step 21.  Drift out the Trigger Pin and remove the Trigger by pulling it down and rotating it out.
pour les lathi et autre m40 Ts23-300x18023. Drift out the Magazine Catch Pin.  Tap the Magazine Catch and the Magazine Catch Spring out of the Frame.
24. The Hold Open Latch is secured by a delicate spring.  Remove only if necessary.  We have not opted to do so on our loaner and can only provide written help.  If you need to remove it read steps 25 and 26 else skip to 27.
25. Use a small tool to push the rear of the Hold Open Latch Spring up.  Then lift it out of place.
26. Turn the Hold Open Latch up to about 90 degrees and then move it towards the right of the gun to remove.
27. The Front Sight should not be removed if unnecessary.  If so, drift it out of place left or right.
Your Lahti m/40 is now stripped.  Reassembly is just the reverse.  We recommend using a small bit of rolled paper or wood skewer to realign the Magazine Catch and Magazine Catch Spring as you place them in the Frame.
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Nombre de messages : 440
Age : 48
Localisation : MERIGNAC 33
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2010

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pour les lathi et autre m40 Empty Re: pour les lathi et autre m40

Message  HELIX Dim 04 Jan 2015, 15:29

pour les lathi et autre m40 72113

Très intéressant mais un grand nombre de membres du forum n'étant pas à l'aise avec la langue de shakespeare ce genre de sujet est malheureusement a éviter sur TCAR où le français est expressément demandé .
Idea A moins que tu offres une traduction complète à ceux qui ne comprennent pas et là ce serait top . Wink

pour les lathi et autre m40 242827 pour les lathi et autre m40 335982 pour les lathi et autre m40 335982

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pour les lathi et autre m40 Empty Re: pour les lathi et autre m40

Message  manucolt1873 Dim 04 Jan 2015, 15:39


Video en anglais, mais bon on comprend ce qu'il fait.

Désolé, l'article en anglais, c'est tout ce que j'ai trouvé et puis quand on parle du lathi/ m40, le commentaire sur le démontage est toujours le même: PAS FACILE.
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Nombre de messages : 440
Age : 48
Localisation : MERIGNAC 33
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2010

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pour les lathi et autre m40 Empty Re: pour les lathi et autre m40

Message  lu1900 Lun 05 Jan 2015, 01:15

Un lien de l'article , car en demandant la trad à gogol , ça marche !


Cordialement...Patrice.... lu1900@gmail.com
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pour les lathi et autre m40 Empty Re: pour les lathi et autre m40

Message  manucolt1873 Lun 05 Jan 2015, 17:40


Par contre la traduction via gogle est très aléatoire dans l'article traduit le canon s'appelle baril et la culasse manteau
Membre confirmé
Membre confirmé

Nombre de messages : 440
Age : 48
Localisation : MERIGNAC 33
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2010

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